История музея
Литература о музее
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Клуб "Артиль"
Музейный календарь
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English version


Jazz and Russian Middle ages. What can possibly unite these two concepts? Nothing, as it seems. But Arkhangelsk jazzmen and museum people managed to bring the Black music and Russian antiquity together. Jazz, blues and soul rhythms fill the only XVII century chamber in the city.

Jazz club ‘Artil’ was 6 years in November 2003. Besides the very good local musicians who played with Viktor Rezitsky, the club gives the stage to the new rising stars: saxophonist Max Duryagin, pianist and vocalist Elena Safonova, Ada Martynova, Zoya Chernyayeva. Citizens of Arkhangelsk have had a chance to enjoy the art of Igor Bootman, Sergey Manukyan, Igor Bril, Oleg Lundstrem and other famous Russian and European jazzmen.

During the past three years ‘Artil’ hosts the best performances of Arkhangelsk jazz festivals. It is a tradition already, that the opening nights of new music seasons are unusual. The club invites famous Moscow and European jazzmen. The atmosphere is the one of a club where people do not only come for a performance but also take their places by the table in the candle-lit room and have a possibility to enjoy their company as well as the music.

The club has regular visitors and draws in new people. In the beginning of 2003 a cultural delegation from Finland visited one of our concerts and later the same year the president of Finland herself expressed a wish to listen to jazz in our club. Everyone who comes here once – always returns again.

We have jazz performances every Saturday from 20.00 to 24.00. Tickets are available at any time, but it’s best to come before 21.00.

You can get addition information if you call us. Phone number: 20-92-15.

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